ParCo grew out of the simple idea that “community-led” development is more just, effective and lasting than “top-down” development.
In 2018, Juliet Lyon was leaving a leadership position in international development and Ilidio Cole had just finished a bachelor’s degree in rural economics. They met at a community meeting about dealing with the problem of plastic bottles taking over the beaches. Since those first experiences applying a community led approach to local challenges, the ball hasn’t stopped rolling. ParCo from “Parceiros Comunitarios” (Portuguese for Community Partners) formed and now works across all coastal communities in Vilankulo in the areas of social protection, recycling, eco-tourism, health rights, conservation fisheries management, environmental education, early childhood development, responsible tourism and more.
In 2018, ParCo was registered as Associacao dos Parceiros Comunitários - APARCO in Inhambane Province, Mozambique. NUIT tax ID: 700208796 with board Members Ilidio Cole, Inacio Nhassengo, Juliet Lyon, Bernardo Matsinhe, Lima Zibane, Anita Huo, Dionisio Chitsumba, Arone Mapangule, Cristina Langa, Elisa Americo, Mateus Manhice
In 2022, ParCo was incorporated as ParCo Community Partners Inc. and registered as a 501c3 in Connecticut to provide profile building, fundraising and networking for the work in Mozambique. It’s Board Members are Juliet Lyon (President), Corey Lazar (Treasurer) and Lisa Chatman (Secretary) and John Homan (general member).
Ilidio Cole
has been ParCo’s Project Coordinator since 2019. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the Eduardo Mondlane School of Rural Development (ESUDER) where he wrote his thesis on sustainable fishing. He grew up in a fishing family and still lives close to the ocean and manages several fishing dhows in his free time.
Juliet Lyon
moved to Vilankulo as a Peace Corps volunteer in 2004 after graduating with a degree in Public Policy from the University of Chicago and working for a year as a community organizer. She worked in international development in Mozambique for over a decade and earned a masters from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs. Juliet currently divides her time between Vilankulo, Mozambique and Falls Village, CT, USA.